"This program has touched me and made a difference in my life."
Thanks to the Children’s Services Council and the YMCA of Broward County, students have an opportunity to give a voice to issues that are important to them.
With funding from the CSC, students in the YMCA Youth In Government program attended the 57th Annual Florida YMCA Youth In Government State Assembly in Tallahassee to serve as part of a youth-run, youth-led model government process.
"In this year's 21st Century program I have had the opportunity to travel to Tallahassee and debate a bill that I crafted along with other passionate youth from around Florida. Through this experience, I was able to grow as a debater and public speaker. Although I'm a senior and was a part of the program for only a year, I feel that that all students should join the 21st Century program. If I could go back in time, I would have started it a lot sooner to better explore all that it has to offer."
For this amazing experience and great year I would like to thank everyone that helps make this program possible. Without you, hundreds of students would be doing God knows what. This program has touched me and made a difference in my life."
Read More YMCA Youth In Government (YIG) Success Stories:
Arnelle | Carlos (Parents) | Joel | Looghermine | Yasmeen