"If I hadn't gone I would've regretted it because honestly if it wasn't the best, it was one of the best experiences I've ever had."
Thanks to the Children’s Services Council and the YMCA of Broward County, students have an opportunity to give a voice to issues that are important to them.
With funding from the CSC, students in the YMCA Youth In Government program attended the 57th Annual Florida YMCA Youth In Government State Assembly in Tallahassee to serve as part of a youth-run, youth-led model government process.
"Honestly, the morning of the trip I tried to convince myself that I shouldn't go. Not because I didn't want to go, but because somewhere inside a little part of me was afraid of what would happen. I was afraid that I would freeze and that I wouldn't enjoy it. If I hadn't gone I would've regretted it because honestly if it wasn't the best, it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. It was a fun trip and it was also the moment when I realized that I have a love for government. Although I should've been uncomfortable as a first year (student) at State Assembly, it sort of felt natural and I wish I would've been able to participate for more than a year before graduation. I sort of lucked out I guess, but all the while I gained even more than I imagined to gain."
Read More YMCA Youth In Government (YIG) Success Stories:
Carlos (Parents) | Joel | Looghermine | William | Yasmeen