All children should have environments that support healthy brain development and access to the many opportunities our country provides.
When historical structures that codified racial inequality created structural community conditions that do not support the necessary access, opportunities and resources, children and families are barred from the shared American Dream. The CSC recognizes that, in addition to providing funds for programs that support children and families, confronting racism and racial disparity is critical to affecting positive change for everyone.
Beginning in August 2016, the CSC, Broward County Human Services Department, and City of Fort Lauderdale Police department funded training to understand how racism continues to show up in our lives and communities for over 325 attendees representing government, law enforcement, private enterprise and non-profit organizations. In addition, over 1,000 partners were trained in (1) the local history of racism and resilience in Broward and (2) implicit bias - the reliance on hidden negative stereotypes and beliefs that infuse quick judgements. The reflective and personally transformative workshops show how people of all races are hurt by racism and are resulting in innovative solutions in our procurements, partnerships and programs. Learn More